How to Embed a View in a Node in Drupal 9

In Drupal, there are different ways of embedding a view in a node. These are two of them.

Sergio Guardiola Herrador
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

When it comes to embedding a view in Drupal, there are many choices available. Normally I would recommend creating a display block in the View and adding the block to the page, but in some cases, you may want or need to embed the view in a template. These are two ways you can do that:

  1. Preprocessing the view and rendering it in twig:

The first step is to add this to your *.theme file in your theme. In this example, I’m making sure the view is only loaded in full view mode and only in content types landing page and campaign page. I needed to preset the arguments with the values selected by the editor so $string_category can have a string value like “Press” and $array_tags is an array of term ids, for example [1, 2, 3].
The view will be available in Twig using the variable blog_filter_block.

/*** Implements template_preprocess_node().* @param $variables*/function THEME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {  if ($variables['view_mode'] == 'full' && in_array($variables['node']->bundle(), ['landing_page', 'campaign_page'])) {    $blog_filter_block  = views_embed_view('blog', 'blog_filter_block', $string_category, $array_tags);    $variables["blog_filter_block"] = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($blog_filter_block);  }}

In node.html.twig, add the code below. If you don’t have that template in your theme yet, you can copy it from core/modules/node/templates to your theme folder (don’t forget to clear the cache).

{% if blog_filter_block is not empty %}  {{ blog_filter_block }}{% endif %}

2. Adding it directly in twig using twig tweak module:

To embed the view this way you will need to install first the module Twig Tweak. In your THEME_preprocess_node function, you will only have to create the variables you will need in the twig template, but not the view:

$variables["blog_filter_category"] = $string_category;$variables["blog_filter_tags"] = $array_tags;

Then in node.html.twig you can render the view using the function drupal_view:

{% if (blog_filter_category != 'all' or blog_filter_tags != 'all') %}  {{ drupal_view('blog', 'blog_filter_block', blog_filter_category, blog_filter_tags) }}{% endif %}

You can ignore the if condition. I had to use it to make sure both values were not empty.

Don’t forget that when doing changes in twig templates, you may have to clear the cache to see your changes.

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Sergio Guardiola Herrador

I write articles in English and Spanish, mostly about programming, technology, travel, money, investing. You can find me here: